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Lightfoot for U.S. Senate
George Phillies - "Gail Lightfoot is a great Libertarian activist. She has loyally and faithfully held high our Libertarian Party banner, running for U.S. Senate in 2010 and 2012, and U.S. House in 2014. In a race where name recognition counts, Gail is the Libertarian whose name has been heard by the most voters. This election year, Democrats and Republicans are campaigning for more war and less freedom. Gail stands up for peace, prosperity, and the Constitution. Please give Gail Lightfoot your support."
Barry Hess  Libertarian author of:  The PeaceMonger - "Gail Lightfoot has proven herself to be a staunch advocate for your individual liberties, and for preserving this thing we call "freedom". Her commitment is to the people, unlike her competitors who seek only their own self-aggrandizement and self-enrichment.  

She's the thinking person's choice to revive the promise of 'America', and won't compromise when it comes to respecting you as a human being, and protecting your inherent rights.  She's got my vote--and she should have yours, too!"

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster -"Gail has consistently upheld the principles of Libertarianism when others moved toward acceptance of state interference with our individual rights.  At the same time she has been proactively engaged at the local level and understood the LP as the means to end political divides instead of deepening them.  She serves the cause of individual freedom with energy, mind, and with her personal values."

Joe Leibrandt -  three-time Jeopardy champion and member of Hall of Fame: "I wholeheartedly endorse Gail Lightfoot for US Senate."

Jill Pyeatt -  Small Business Owner and Jewelry Designer. Also, region chairperson for Libertarian Party of Pasadena/Glendale.

Jim Noble - Boulder Creek, Retired electronic design engineer.

Michael Morrison - World-famous editor "Gail Lightfoot is a superlative person, and will be the best senator California has ever had. She is worthy of every person's vote."

Mike Van Roy -  I, representing myself, endorse Gail Lightfoot for U.S Senator from California because Mark Herd just doesn’t understand economics (despite it being his college major) and his platform is actually quite statist.